Cyber Security Liability

In today’s digital age, businesses of all sizes are vulnerable to cyber threats. Accepting credit card payments, managing customer data, and relying on digital operations can expose your business to significant cyber risks. Cyber Security Liability Insurance is essential to protect your business from the financial and reputational damage caused by cyber attacks, data breaches, and other cyber incidents. Our comprehensive coverage ensures that you can navigate the complexities of cyber risks with confidence.

Key Features


Data Breach Response
Provides coverage for the costs associated with responding to a data breach, including legal fees, notification expenses, credit monitoring for affected individuals, and public relations efforts to manage your company’s reputation.

Business Interruption Coverage
Compensates for lost income and additional expenses incurred if your operations are halted due to a cyber incident. This feature ensures that your business can maintain financial stability while you recover from a cyber attack.

Cyber Extortion Protection
Covers the costs related to cyber extortion, including payments to hackers who threaten to release sensitive data or disrupt your systems. This protection helps you manage ransomware and other extortion-related threats.

Network Security Liability
Protects your business from claims arising from a failure to secure your network, leading to data breaches, unauthorized access, or transmission of malicious software. This coverage includes legal defense costs and damages awarded to third parties.

Multimedia Liability
Covers claims related to online content, including copyright infringement, defamation, and invasion of privacy. This protection is crucial for businesses that rely heavily on digital marketing and social media.

Regulatory Defense and Penalties
Provides coverage for legal defense costs and fines resulting from violations of data protection regulations. This feature helps you navigate the complexities of regulatory compliance and avoid substantial financial penalties.

Crisis Management
Includes access to crisis management services to help you respond effectively to a cyber incident. This feature ensures you have expert guidance on handling public relations, legal issues, and operational disruptions.

Credit Card Payments and Cyber Risks

Accepting credit card payments makes your business a prime target for cybercriminals. Handling and storing sensitive financial information increases the risk of data breaches. Compliance with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is mandatory, but even with compliance, breaches can still occur. Cyber Security Liability Insurance can cover the following scenarios:

  1. Data Breach Incident
    A small retail business experiences a data breach where hackers steal customers’ credit card information. According to the “Cost of a Data Breach Report 2021” by IBM Security and Ponemon Institute, the average cost of a data breach for small businesses can range from $120,000 to $1.24 million. The insurance covers legal fees, customer notification, credit monitoring services, and fines for non-compliance with PCI DSS.

  2. Ransomware Attack
    A mid-sized e-commerce company is targeted by ransomware. The attackers demand a significant sum to unlock the company’s data. The “State of Ransomware 2021” by Sophos reported the average ransom payment in 2021 was approximately $170,000, but total recovery costs, including system restoration and business interruption, can exceed $1 million. The insurance covers the ransom payment and the costs associated with restoring and securing the affected systems.

  3. Business Interruption
    A large hospitality chain faces a cyber attack that shuts down its reservation system, leading to lost bookings and revenue. The cost of business interruption can range from tens of thousands to millions of dollars, depending on the business size and downtime duration. The insurance compensates for the lost income and additional expenses incurred during the recovery period.


Why Choose Zein Insurance?

Specialized Coverage for the Restaurant Industry
Your restaurant is unique, and so are the risks it faces. We offer tailored insurance policies designed specifically for the complexities of food service, ensuring that every aspect of your business is protected.

Proactive Risk Management
Beyond insurance, we partner with you to identify potential risks, offering strategies to prevent accidents before they happen. Your safety is our priority.

Efficient Claims Process
We know that time is money in the restaurant business. Our efficient claims handling means quick resolutions, minimizing disruptions so you can keep your doors open and your kitchen running.

Claim Scenarios

Data Breach in a Small Business

A local café that accepts credit card payments discovers that their payment system was hacked, compromising hundreds of customers’ credit card information. The costs associated with this breach, including legal fees, customer notification, credit monitoring services, and fines, total $200,000. Cyber Security Liability Insurance covers these expenses.

Ransomware Attack on a Mid-Sized Company

A regional retail chain falls victim to a ransomware attack that encrypts their entire sales database. The attackers demand $150,000 to decrypt the files. The total recovery cost, including the ransom payment, system restoration, and business interruption losses, amounts to $900,000. Cyber Security Liability Insurance covers these costs, ensuring the business can recover without severe financial strain.

Business Interruption in a Large Corporation

A nationwide healthcare provider’s network is brought down by a cyber attack, preventing access to patient records and disrupting operations. The business loses $500,000 in revenue and incurs $300,000 in additional expenses to restore operations. Cyber Security Liability Insurance compensates for these losses, helping the business maintain financial stability during the crisis.

Get Started Today

Protect your business from the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.

Contact Zein Insurance Services today by filling out this form or by calling us at 1 877 323 1009.

Secure your digital future with Zein Insurance Services.

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Do you require employees to login to systems using 2 factor(2FA) or multifactor authentication(MFA)?*
How many records does your company have access to?*
A record is defined as a single individual's record , e.g. employee,client,vendor, etc
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